Digital Marketing Trends

Digital marketing is always changing. This is one of the reasons to hire a seasoned agency to help you navigate. Here are three major trends in digital marketing. 

The Importance of Content Marketing

Content marketing allows you to build trust before engaging. This lets you have a warmed up and educated audience before you engage for a sale or a lead. 

Content marketing also gives you better traction in social media. Each article can be cross-promoted on multiple platforms. You can also use the content to answer ongoing questions that people may be asking, even if they are not currently your followers. 

Content will increase your presence in the search engines. Having content related to your niche does several things. It allows you to let the search engines know that your brand is associated with the vertical that your content is in. It also allows you to build links pointing back to your website that signal to the search engines the popularity and relevance of your website to the key words.

Growth in Influencer Marketing

Influencers are not necessarily celebrities. Some influencers may have only a couple thousand followers but they are known as experts in their field. People trust expertise over celebrity. People look to see what others are recommending especially if they look up to that person. They would rather hear from their community than react to an ad.

An agency can help you locate the influencers in your niche. This is half the battle, knowing how to find influencers in your niche. Some agencies use sophisticated tools to locate growing audiences where the influencer may be open to engaging.

Be organized in your effort to engage with influencers. Decide on your ultimate approach to finding them. Are you going to research, or use a platform, or use an agency?  Put together your strategy, budget, and plan. Be patient and grow the relationship with influencers. 

AI in Marketing

AI is growing at a spectacular rate. This is also true of the rate of growth in marketing adoption. Some platforms that you may be already using are likely using AI behind the scenes. You should make an effort to become aware of new AI platforms. There are platforms for big data analysis, copywriting ideas, and finding marketing opportunities. AI is definitely a growing part of the competitive marketing landscape.